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Table 7 Flight and migration flows and refugee management in a World System

From: Towards global management on flight and migration? A comparison of refugee politics in Europe and Asia


Flight and migration flows

Governments situation and movement of flight and migration

National Governance

Towards global management: governance from core to periphery


Origin and refuge destination

failed states, civil war

Weak governance

Repression and indifference

Higher funds for UNHCR


temporary residence and transit

Two identities: primordial identity construction domestically;civil identity towards the global arena

Low to middle income countries

Tolerant but not supportive for refugees

Refugees preferably under UNHCR mandate; integration mostly informal sector; refugees seen as opportunity


Central role for refugee policy

May itself repatriate refugees to the periphery

Bargaining between core and semi-periphery on costs of hosting refugees


Preferred target States

Civic identity construction in Europe

primordial and family identity construction in East Asia

Manipulation of flight and migration through interventions

UN Conventions

Regional agreements (EU) based on international law

Coordination among core states

Rationalising UN conventions to limit migration

Financial help to and agreements with semi-periphery